Aura, June 2021 – Present

Objective: To construct an iOS mobile application that serves as a color-oriented long-term mood tracker and integrates Apple’s HealthKit to provide end-of-the-week health-related resources based on the correlation between the user’s mood entries and HealthKit statistics.


  • Engineered a minimum viable product in five weeks using Xcode as an integrated development environment.
  • Configured and deployed a Parse server for user account management using Back4App.
  • Designed and implemented view controllers to facilitate application content navigation.
  • Implemented sign-in, log-in, and log-out account functionality and user persistence.
  • Populated the calendar view with mood entry data using FSCalendar and the chart view with mood entry data using Google Chart API.
  • Implemented HealthKit to track the user’s sleep duration, steps or pushes for wheelchair users, and weight fluctuation statistics.


  • Querying the Parse server for the correct color and updating the calendar view using the data from the asynchronous query. The calendar view required reloading after the completion of the query, as it rendered before completion.
  • Determining the best approach for finding the correlation between a user’s mood entries and HealthKit statistics. I attempted to use HKCorrelationQuery but settled for using HKSample to determine the correlation manually.


  • Having complete creative control over an iOS mobile application project while interning at Meta.

Topics: FSCalendar, Git, GitHub, Google Chart API, HealthKit, iOS Development, Objective-C, Parse, UI/UX Design, Xcode

Facebook Groups Tab Software Engineer Intern, May – August 2022

Objective: To implement a new surface bundle with a corresponding pivot button within the Facebook Groups tab.


  • Implemented rendering logic on both iOS and web sides.
  • Implemented user data retrieval using GraphQL.
  • Built data observable logic and populated the surface with user data.
  • Optimized the surface with user interface details such as a progress indicator and default user interface for network failure.
  • Completed a second milestone consisting of constructing a sub-navigation surface with similar functionality.


  • Ramping up on the Groups tab codebase to familiarize myself with different code snippets and their functionality. The Groups tab codebase was initially overwhelming as it was one of the largest at Meta, but I utilized best practices for searching the codebase and followed code paths.


  • Implementing user interface details using Facebook-specific assets.
  • Pushing production-ready iOS and web code to the Meta codebase.
  • Working on a team of knowledgeable engineers with diverse backgrounds.

Topics: GraphQL, iOS Development, Mercurial, Objective-C, UI/UX Design, Visual Studio Code, Web Development, Xcode

The specifics of this project are confidential.

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